Friday, June 15, 2012


"The greatest waste in the world is the difference between what we are and what we could become." 

Herbster, Ben

Nice one, Herbie.

An even bigger waste, in my view, is worrying TOO MUCH about something like this.

Material such as this- as inspiring as it may be, & as genuine in it's attempt to shock humans from their complacency- can actually cause more suicide than loneliness.

I have been at that brink- & this was the very obsession that put me there.

What I was, and what I could have been.

And the vast chasym between the two.

It almost put me in my grave.

Vonnegut said 'we are here to fart around; never let anyone tell you any different'.

This lets us off the hook- especially those of us who are such perfectionists, obsessively battling to overcompensate for God knows what shortcoming in the past...

To the point where we become paralysed.

I would aim for something in between Vonnegut, and the above quote.

My motto- what finally brought about my recovery- would be, rather...

'We are flawed creatures in an uncertain world, trying to survive with bugger all to go on. Simply do the very best you can, each moment of your life, & NEVER torture yourself over what might have been. This is a slow, painful death. As far as you might feel you have fallen short- you are still a beautiful beautiful creature, in a beautiful beautiful world, & provided you saw ONE SINGLE MOMENT of beauty...

provided you saw a sunset, a sunrise, an infant or a lovely animal -


then your life will have been worthwhile'.

This saved my life, ultimately.

It's not much...but it worked.

& it is from my heart.

A heart that was strong enough to realise that, in the end, NOTHING IS WASTED.

If you simply did your best.

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