Wednesday, May 2, 2012

"Men this, men that..."

So much talk about men. 

"Men this, men that...

Men do this, but don't do that...

Well enough, hard enough, caring enough or consistent enough..

Touch this!  Push that!  Rub me there...NO NO, the wrong way, you clumsy boorish oaf!

Too much too soon, too short too fat...Too distant..."

Too much talk, perhaps?? 


Aside from from doing our egos the world of good being the centre of attention (remember what the famous macho hero poet and sheet metal worker Oscar Wilde was overheard to have said about there being 'only one thing worse than being talked about, & that is NOT being talked about'...), I wonder at all this chatter and noise about who we are and what we should be doing...

Perhaps we are actually SIMPLER than all that hullabaloo would suggest. 

Are we really not a little light in the load to have developed such an all-encompassing gender specific socio-cultural idiom???

Now women, on the other hand...!

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