Thursday, November 7, 2013

Child's Play.

Oh, a couple of things you might not know about adults who have been abused as children.

& I only write this because there are people out there who are not aware of this, and you need to know.

For your OWN well being and peace of mind.

child abuse is pretty common, and victims who grow to be adults basically have a buggered brain. 

It's fucked; it doesn't work properly. 

We often have a short fuse, ridiculously high standards and are given to fits of righteous indignation. 

No mystery here- it has been beaten into us. 

We had terrible role models, and were never taught how to process our anger and frustration properly; hence, we carry around of lot of pent up rage, bubbling under the surface...just waiting to be released usually on the wrong person at the wrong time and in the wrong place, for ALL the wrong reasons.

Vesuvius, I tell you.     

& the problem can often be self replicating, aggregating and multiplying over time like radioactive waste, compounded by it's own negative energy.

If we get belligerent when you disagree with us, & if we de-friend you or block you from our lives in a fit of rage...

don't take it personally. 

It's NOT you- it's us. 

& you are probably better off without us.  

Just be thankful we can take it out on our computer, and not in the real world, where we generally perform tantrums and make scenes in shops and things. 

the episodes generally pass with a spell in the time out room.

& of course, WE are the losers, not you, because we wake up one day and wonder where all our friends are.  

It's the curse that never stops taking. 

How we get anything productive done is...

Well, most of us don't. 

Sooner or the problem is left untreated...we destroy our relationships, and dismantle everything we have worked so hard to build until it is all gone, and we are living on the streets. 

The good news is, it doesn't last forever. 

Death is our blessed release, and we often kill ourselves before our time.

Sympathise with us, certainly...

but don't be sucked into trying to help us, or coddle us. 

You have your OWN lives to live, your own worries, and life is tough enough without taking on lost causes.

(unless you are Mother Theresa or have a Florence Nightingale fixation.)

Let me say this are better off without us.

We either muddle through, or we don't

Life is full of heartbreaking things...

& this is just another one of them. 

This affliction cannot be cured, short of hard drugs or shock treatment...even's a long shot.

In some cases, it can be managed.  I think it's fair to say, in my case, I manage things pretty well. 

Mainly because I talk about it- write about it- instead of keeping it all stored up inside.

So if you wonder why I spill my guts about this stuff all the time...well, now you know. 

My father used to say to me, 'Tell the bastards NOTHING.'

A good rule of thumb for me has been to remember what the old man said...

& do the EXACT opposite. 

'Don't complain, don't explain and NEVER apologise', he used to say.

Fuck that. 

If I have ever hurt you, I'm sorry. 

After I have finished bitching about it, I will explain it to you, and I hope it helps. 

I hope you NEVER feel it was anything to do with you.

It's not your fault.

It's not MY fault.

It's just one of those all round shitty deals. 

Talking about it.

That's been my saving grace.

And I will keep talking about it until the pain goes away, so you best settle in or pick another show.
This is my cure.

The only other cure is...

for adults to STOP traumatising their children.


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