Thursday, October 31, 2013

Hot Dinner Time

When the healthy psyche is assailed upon from all sides by the horror, we rail against it. 

(those who give a shit do, anyway. 

I guess those who don't give a shit shop, watch TV, drink themselves to death, etc...)

And because the perpetrators are usually beyond our reach, we, the caring, the feeling, often find ourselves lashing out at those around us- as if it is somehow their fault.

& if they defend themselves, it is not uncommon for us to say things like, 'you don't care', or 'you don't understand'.

When the pain in their eyes tells us...

nothing could be further from the truth.

They clearly love us. 

I remember that look in the eyes of my loved ones...

As I gouged away at them like a demon with diahorrea...

& it's a look that will send me to straight back to hell, from whence I came. 

& of course, this suits those in charge right down to the ground.

We are doing their job for them; destroying each other. 

It's a bit like the prevailing ambivalence of the mostly white power structure toward the black on black gang killings in the ghetto. 

& the more you rail- and realise how you are hurting the ones you love- the more desperate and hopeless it all seems. 


If you're lucky enough to have friends- look after them. 

Take it from someone who has lost more people who loved me than you've had hot dinners.  

& I suggest you carefully hone in on the REAL enemy...

& pile on. 

1 comment:

  1. Not going anywhere, you're stuck with me!
