Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Cast Away...

The species is in a helluva' state at the moment. 

& I admit...I'm a little bit frightened. 

Yes...I guess I could lighten up and distract myself by endlessly and interminably weighing in on the Miley Cyrus on-stage butt fucking incident...

but for some strange reason?

I keep coming back to the world crises. 

It's so difficult to avoid. 

Well, difficult for me.

& it's a seesaw for me- not a fun see-saw like child's play- but a strange almost pathological prevarication between trying to let go...

'don't worry be happy'...

& then tiptoeing back to look again much like I did as a child...peeking around the living room door to watch Doctor Who...

Equal parts terrified by the horror...and yet still compelled nonetheless to eavesdrop on the program from a safe distance...

only this time none of us are safe.

This realisation might be why I cannot resist reading the latest instalment in the greatest horrorshow the human race has ever known.

It's almost too much for me.


I viddy the unfolding of this living nightmare...& when it becomes too much and I have to look away...

averteth my eyes... gaze becomes directed inward. 

I have always had a sneaking suspicion that what is wrong with the human race is pretty much reflected in what is wrong with me. 

It makes perfect sense...but it doesn't make it any easier to take. 

I could have made changes a LOT earlier;

but I didn't. 

I treated my life and the world around me like my own private Sodom and Gomorrah. 

An amusement park of the damned.

& feels like too little too late. 

I have lived a full life; I have nothing to be sad about. 

I have said of late I am content, and ready to die any time the gods want me. 

I have shepherded my soul to a place where it has evolved almost to the point of being set free. 

But I still feel dreadfully sorry for the kids who will NEVER get a chance to live as we did. 

To live those carefree days...before the rot set in. 

The live the life we had in the palm of our souls...

& then threw away.

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