Sunday, August 18, 2013

Watch The Skies...

Is there an emoticon for 'feeling inept'? 

I don't think I have felt so inept in such a long, long time.  Not since I was in school. 

If I keep on moving...keep travelling...just keep swimming...I'm generally able to outrun most negative feelings. 

But tonight...I feel unbelievably inept. 

No other word for it. 

Like I have no clue wtf I'm doing. 

I think if an alien spacecraft feels like picking someone up and doing experiments on their orifices...

I could use some kind of external stimuli. 

Just once...

I would LOVE for something to drop out of the sky and transport me to a magical new world of wonder and excitement. 

Just once...

I'd like to not have to drive the bus all by myself. 

I mean...I can do it...HAVE done it forever...

but DAMN!! 

(am I being overly ungrateful, do you think???) 

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