Sunday, August 25, 2013

Love in All the Wrong Places...

'Looking for love in all the wrong places.' 

I know the popular view is that 'when you stop looking, that's when love finds you'.

I don't know about you...but most of my life I have been a seeker.

For me, and many other men- it's primal.

The hunter gatherer thing.

(I never had any problem finding sex- but I think we can all agree sex 'aint love.)

I never- at any time in my life- felt easy with the notion that love would swing by my place and pick me up in a limo.

On the other hand...the harder I looked...

The further away from any kind of love I seemed to drift.

Then I would get frustrated.

& then angry.

Then desperate.

& there is nothing more off-putting than desperation.

Women can smell it a mile off.

It smells worse than our feet.

'looking for love in too many faces.'

The only 'wrong' in this song is the 'looking'.

Maybe love finds us. 

Provided we stop if for prey...

& love ourselves. 

Then in the end, if you don't find your match...

at least you know you have yourself.

& if that feels like some kind of second prize...

Then you have to go back to the drawing board.

& romance yourself properly.

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