Wednesday, August 21, 2013


I am disturbed by many things. 

But teens drugging girls and raping them- writing profanities on their unconscious bodies and posting the deed on FB until the victim commits suicide- just about takes the cake. 

It makes me gag.  Literally. 

The only thing that gives me any pleasure is fantasizing about taking my revenge on these twisted young swine- & that 'aint a great state of affairs either. 

Women are NOT places to rub our cocks. 

They are human beings. 

Living, breathing, thinking, feeling human beings. 

This bullshit must stop. 

If it does not...we deserve to become extinct. 


Sometimes I tend to think women would get along fine without us.

There are some good guys out there...

but there seem to be some very very bad ones as well. 

Self loathing man?


But there is much to loathe.


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