Thursday, July 25, 2013

Potty Mouth...

Please forgive me if I have already covered this...but it's a topic worth revisiting & might be worth touching upon for the benefit of my new friends. 

I have something to say about my propensity for drawing attention to my bathroom parts- even though I am approaching 50. 

It happens from time to time; I seem to be drawn to discuss my privates. 

I can't seem to help myself. 

In this regard...I seem to slide into this (bad?) habit and revert to childhood. 

It's almost as if I haven't been properly toilet trained. 

I have been thinking about this for the last hour or so now...a part of me is bothered by it. 

But a part of me is something almost uncontrollable.

It seems to be my truth...& I will never shy away from my truth, because herein are often contained certain fundamental clues as to my persona, from which I can learn about myself. 

I think it's an interesting topic. 

At times...I find men's/my love for speaking about our/my Johnson quite tiresome and boorish. 

I'm a reasonably intelligent, spiritually attuned fellow; but I doubt I will ever be considered for PM or the Nobel Peace Prize, given my priors for talking freely and openly about my doodle.

I find something strangely...cathartic about raising the subject in a frivolous way occasionally. 

I assumed it had something to do with my sexual abuse as a child- but it might not have.

Maybe ALL men do it. 

Maybe most women do it. 

I have a making light of these topics may have saved my life.  (given me a way to process my sexual molestation at a young age without going totally batty.) 

Many people in my position have killed themselves WAY before this. 

It is best left to the judgement of others whether this is a good thing or not.  I have certainly come to see any life as precious, so hence, see it as a positive. 

So...if this is how I process that early abuse...then more power to me, I guess.

But I can understand how some people might find it immature, and offensive.

I think as adults in a perpetual state of arrested development...we do what we can to survive... 

& rely on the kindness and patience of our friends. 

So thank you.


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