Monday, July 22, 2013

Fullashit Daichi...

Once the Fullashit alarm has been tripped...there is generally no going back.

The toxins have begun to seep. 

By that I mean, that point in the relationship where you KNOW the other person is NOT built on a foundation of truth, does not mean what they say, and will not do what they say they are going to do. 

That point when you KNOW that person does NOT have your best interests at heart.

Of course it is worth noting...rarely will you find a person who has never behaved in this way.

Human beings are flawed creatures...& we make mistakes.

Forget things. 

Are distracted by our own woes to the point of carelessness.

Become so ill we do not know what we are doing.

Of course discretion is the better part of valour.

Of course it makes sense to give people several chances; it would be a very lonely place without some forgiveness. 

We ought to note that this should manifest as a pattern of behaviour.

So...when someone CONSISTENTLY lets you down, reneges on their word...and does not acknowledge it with a contrite heart...

This is generally the beginning of the end.

And the friendship seeps into the ocean, from whence it all began...

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