Saturday, June 8, 2013

Force Magnified...

I tend to put a lot of shit on cops- some of them are such wretched, murderous brutes, it's hard not to. 

I have met such vicious swine throughout my life...

& like a magnifying glass that reflects the power of the sun to burn things, it can burn a hole in your psyche forever when you meet one of them. 

BUT...I went through a PBT site on Sat, & a guy I used to work with was on line. 

I worked with him over ten years ago, when I was a walloper.  Jason.  Good bloke.  Just a decent bloke.  No deception or subterfuge about him, as far as I can tell. 

Always nice to me. 

Most of the cops I worked with wouldn't piss on me if I was on fire.

I was a bit honest, caring, and sensitive- and it doesn't do, to have cops who care. 'Constable Care', they used to call me, because I worked with kids in proactive policing.

Because I gave a shit about people.

Man...I remember once, I went into hospital to visit a sick baby, and the nurse let me hold her.

It was a precious moment for me.

The following week, I was given an admonishment for being so gentle, sensitive, and caring.

I got the message.

Anyway, that's another lifetime. 

And this is about Jason, not me.

He is...just plain...decent. 

Too decent for the force!

Nah...we could do with more of them.

If I had a division of guys like that- our problems on the planet would be over VERY quickly.

Seeing Jason again was sweet. 

A lovely 'going away' present.

It was nice to have a reminder that there are some decent cops out there. 

You just need a magnifying glass to find them sometimes...

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