Thursday, May 16, 2013

I NEVER felt alone.

I was wondering why I have been farting around last few days, instead of doing my work. 'WTF is wrong with you???' I charged in my typical accusatory fashion. (this should be a blog, but to Hell with it...i'll try to keep it short.) It turns out...last night as I went through my book...I seem to have broken it's back. Sometimes...your subconscious knows things you don't. I's not quite time for summer showers and walks on the beach...i will keep revising the material, and workshopping the routines...but GODDAMMIT IT...I think I actually have something here. Almost 600 pages...kind of an epic 'poem'- a paen to masculinity.

I described it thus; The book is about masculinity. Anger. War. Hate. Love.


It covers pretty much everything from my abuse as a child, right up to the consequences of the Iraq war...indeed ALL war.

And whether there are any other choices available to men other than hate, war, and animosity toward women....indeed toward our fellow man in general.

In a nutshell!!

I don't know what kind of masochist would attempt it...all I know is, it is on the way to being completed...& it is the culmination of a life's work.

& i am happy with it.

& I have YOU to thank for your ongoing support through this testing time.


All of you.

They say a writer does it alone...bullshit.

no one does it alone.

I NEVER felt alone.

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