Friday, February 22, 2013

'If You're Building...'

I wouldn't say 'It's Complicated' if I were you. 

It generally means YOU'RE complicated.

If you are in any doubt about the durability of your current relationship (& I am willing to bet my left nut that in saying 'it's complicated' on their profile, most people are here looking to hop onto another lily pad) you really want that on your resume?

Would YOU be attracted to someone who is 'complicated'?  Maybe you would; but for me, life is complicated enough without becoming entangled with self confessed complications.   

"Hi.  My name is Jerry; & I'm complicated."

Very sexy. 

And aren't we ALL a little complicated? 

Why identify as such on your profile, hence re-enforcing and sustaining a negative affirmation?

Hop OFF that lily pad, I say. 

Onto...actually, on reflection, maybe it's better to avoid the lily pads altogether- they are far too tenuous & unstable. 

Hop onto dry land, and build on that. 

(If you're building, as my Yoga instructor used to say... )

That will also kiss less frogs. 

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