Thursday, January 24, 2013

Evolution My Arse...

OK...I watched 'Expendables 2' the other night.  I love those action ensemble pieces, like the 'Dirty Dozen'- & this is certainly of that oeuvre- on crack.

I'm not doing a movie review; that 'aint my thang.  And I am still deciding whether I watched the film in order to keep my finger on the pulse of the level of violence in Hollywood movies from a political POV (I would hate to be one of these fuckless wonders who criticises films & this genre without actually WATCHING them), or whether I simply wanted to satiate my blood-lust for primal pleasures by living vicariously through big buffed, beefy (& mostly old) action heroes.
Who cares.  I was amused by all the bullets, blood, battle ballet and nudging and winking between these semi-retired action impresario's.  I was especially amused to note the body count, and the special effects were without equal as hundreds of evil doers were routinely converted to mince meat.

But I was also amused to note that despite the body count- they could not allow Arnie to say 'Yippee-kay-yay- "MOTHERFUCKER"...I guess because it might be offensive.

I can tell you this; politically speaking? Nothing has changed much since Brando's 'obscenity' speech in 'Pocca'.  
Bottom line?  Wholesale slaughter is fine...rude words are not. 
Twas ever thus...shall ever be.  

Evolution my ass...

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

"Australian All Let Us Rejoice, For We Are BARBARIC!!"

I never thought I would see the day. 

Not on MY shores...

After three months in America, I thought I had seen it all. 

I always do feel that way; because every time I go to the States- I DO see it all. 

The Good, The Bad and the Ugly. 

The country reminds me of myself, in a lot of ways. 

But I saw something today on my arrival at Melbourne Airport that shocked me to my very core. 

Waiting in the queue to be jumped, pumped and gazumped by Airport Security, I saw this gorgeous little fellow. 

Anyone can see the little chap has an issue or two, but he was happy as a lark.  And frankly...that's all that matters to me. 

I saw the joy.  And his mom was attentive to his needs, so who cares about the rest of it. 

A mom and her little boy...getting it done.

With no help from anyone else.  

These two beautiful souls were ahead of me in the line. 

I lost them for a moment, as I went through the big spraying and disinfecting chamber and collected all my contraband and highly suspicous shit, and caught up with them. 

Just in time to see one of the Airport Nazis searching the little boy. 


Searching THIS little boy!!

Can you believe it??  I COULDN'T!!

This is barbaric. 


I have a BUNCH more to say about this, but frankly?  I am too angry right now. 

And shocked, stunned, bewildered...


But mainly ANGRY. 

My thoughts go with this little boy- so clearly and obviously a massive threat to our freedom and security. 

Some days I cannot see anything to commend us.   

This is one of those days. 

What hope do we have, when our government officials FRISK a little boy like this??

J-Lo was given a special escort through customs at O'Hare while I was ther the day before...

& today, this beautiful little boy is dusted down like a common outlaw. 

God knows what effect this might have on him. 

He seemed OK...but how would one know?

Who are we?

WHAT have we become?

Sorry, I am tired, upset, and in a moment I will make no sense at all.

Because there IS NO SENSE to be made of this.

I don't know about you...but some days, I just despair.

Take care...