Monday, August 6, 2012

Who the hell do you think you are??

For those who have only just met me, this is a humble clarification.
About four years ago, I came onto FB the first time, & I played with it much the same as everyone else does. I was just as excited by the possibilities as everyone else.
But it was here…I was able to confront not only THE possibilities of the technology...

But MY OWN possibilities.
My potential.
Good and bad.
Just as I was able to explore my skills and inclinations…

I was also able to confront my fears, flaws & neurosis.
I also saw the benefit of the medium to do something about them.
It was a first for me; at a time when I had lived a largely unexamined life, crashing from one failure to the next- finally I saw a way to not only socialise with other human beings…
But be held accountable to them.
Some have asked…is this a place for therapy?
I don’t know; FB is what you want it to be.
Is it a place to let people know what you have eaten, or what you are watching on TV?
I simply saw more potential in the medium. That’s all; my aims are not loftier, or better- just different.
When I first came onto FB, and when I began to examines the sins my flesh is heir to- I saw myself as a bit of a bastard.
I behaved selfishly, with scant regard for the feelings of others.
This shock soon became a blog, called the ‘Bastard Watch’.
Seems funny now, which I guess is a good thing. Funny I did something like that.

Not everyone understood it.  Least of all my girlfriend at the time.

Poor woman.

At least she had access to my truth.

So did everyone else.

Funny business... 
But that’s what I did.
I wanted to be held accountable for my behaviour- & do something about it.

And I wondered if by recording...I might find clues to my behaviour and the correction of it...

And perhaps even encourage others to examine themselves the same way.

But it was mainly about fixing me.
It was like- I saw my behaviour as something separate from me.
Like it was another person doing it.
I spoke of my darker self as if he were the enemy.
Imagine if you could do something about, say Donald Rumsfeld.
I mean…I am not a bastard on his scale- I did not bomb Iraq, killing thousands upon thousands for oil…but a bastard is a bastard.
Scale is semantics.
In my view- you deliberately or with blatant disregard hurt another human being…
You are a blight on the landscape.
And should be held accountable.
It was not enough to say ‘I will stop being a Bastard’
I had to resolve to actually do something about it.
The blog held me accountable.
I used the opportunity, the technology, to explore not only the extent of my bastardry, but the reasons for it, with a view to understanding why I do it…
And what to do about it.
It was, of course, a mixed bag.
When you aspire to something like this…a complete dismantling of a faulty human being…
It can become all sorts of things you don’t expect.
It became worst of all tiresome, at times.
Sometimes...It went nowhere.
Just became a place to wallow in the muck.
It even became a self fulfilling prophecy; I called myself a 'bastard'…
Admitted to my nature…

Which in a way, condemned me to remaining a bastard.
Didn’t actually STOP me being a bastard?
I simply transferred my skills for bastardry to the Internet!
It turned out to be a way of maximising my efforts!!
Which meant there was certain fundamental flaws I was not confronting properly.
(You might ask why I did not seek professional help? I have done all that. Professional help is a sham- the worst of all shams. Even when you can see someone- it is night on useless. There is no practical effective sustainable adjustment of the personality but the work you do yourself. None.)
So…I knew that from experience.
I will not go into much detail about the way in which I was able to explore my character flaws, because I took a camera with me, & filmed them.
Over a period of years.
The upshot of all the work?
There is no film to show for all that work…
But there seems to have been an improvement in who I am.
I literally feel like I am no longer a bastard.
I have my moments…
And there are times I feel like being a bastard- but when I am aware of it…
I simply don’t go there.
Which is, to my view, an improvement.
A reason for doing all this.
Given that it has worked so well…
I continue to do it.
And I have a small group of friends who have agreed to help keep me accountable to my intentions.
Which brings us to where I am right now.
As I look back on my work, & I ask myself- where do I go from here?
My weapon in this battle against my base nature has always been the truth.
I have tried to stick to the truth- as elusive a concept as that might seem- it has served me well.
I have tried to define my truth and align it with my core being by asking myself questions.
A good one has always been- ‘if I was treating myself this way- how would I like it?’
Putting myself in the place of the person I was hurting.
I look at myself at a turning point…at the crossroads, and in the face of serious illness, I am asking myself some fundamental questions of life or death.
I look at my truth.
Who I really am.
Not who I claim to be, or aspire to be- because I know myself well enough to know these things can be worse than bastardry- they can be a lie.
A lie we tell ourselves.
I am asking myself the questions; on the edge of illness-
Who am I?
What do I want?
And for that, I ask myself a series of other, more direct questions.
Questions about the questions.
What was I put here to do?
Born to do?
If I have my basic needs and desires met- & for the most part, I do…
What do I want?
And of course it was then…I found out something I had been hiding.
For a lifetime.
I knew it in part…
But I did not know all of it.
I mean…I knew what I wanted- I knew what I was put here for…
In a way I have been chasing it my entire life.
THE IMPORTANT THING- and I think it is something we ALL hide from ourselves in one way or another…and it has to do with the extent to which we saboutage ourselves…
Stand in our own way…
We KNOW what we want.
Is why we will NOT allow ourselves to have it.
I wanted love.
Never did…
Never do.
Will I ever?
If so…

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